Η επιρροή επωνύμων στη βελτίωση της Ελλάδας
Η Ελλάδα, μια χώρα με πλούσια καλλιτεχνική κληρονομιά και ιστορία, σημαντικά επιτεύγματα σε διάφορους τομείς της ζωής, μπορεί να καυχηθεί για τον αριθμό των χαρισματικών ατόμων που έχουν συμβάλει σημαντικά στην ανάπτυξή της και στη διεθνή αναγνώριση. Διάσημοι Έλληνες σταρ, μεταξύ των οποίων ηθοποιοί, μάνατζερ, επενδυτές και πολλοί άλλοι, είχαν ισχυρό αντίκτυπο όχι μόνο στην […]
Revisão dos cassinos online populares com sistema de pagamento Visa para jogadores no Brasil
O senhor se pergunta por que algumas pessoas gostam de jogar em cassinos? De onde vem essa paixão por jogos de cassino na Internet? Uma das razões pelas quais as pessoas continuam a jogar em cassinos online é a disponibilidade da grande variedade de entretenimento que o campo dos cassinos apresenta atualmente. Mas como escolher […]
How to get a Mortgage when Self-employed with Absolutely No Money

Buying a house is everyone’s dream as it gives financial stability and builds wealth over time. But with the sharp increase in house prices in the last decade, many of us struggle to get on the property ladder. Even saving a small percentage of the house value is a big ask for many of us […]
Top 10 tips to pay less tax in the United Kingdom

Paying huge taxes on your hard-earned money can be distressing. If you are an individual residing in the UK and are fed up with paying unnecessarily high taxes every year, this video is meant for you. Do you know that our Government offers plenty of options in the form of tax reliefs and allowance that […]
Is it Worth Getting a Mortgage in the UK in 2021?

Today, we will be discussing mortgages, what they are and if it is worth getting one this year. For beginners, let’s start slow. What is a mortgage? A mortgage is a loan taken by individuals or companies to buy their dream home. It is most likely the largest purchase you’ll make in your lifetime. For […]
Financial crisis explained for dummies

You all must have heard mentions of a ‘financial crisis, ‘recession’, and ‘market crashes’ all over the past few months. We are well aware that the Covid 19 pandemic has hurt the economy. We are progressing steadily towards a financial crisis unless we are already there. In this video, we will talk about what a […]
What is Bitcoin and all you need to know about it

If you are into banking, investments, or cryptocurrency, you may have heard the term “Bitcoin.” And if it ever clicked your mind to get started using Bitcoin, then having appropriate knowledge about it is a must. Bitcoin is a great alternative for making transactions. So, you have to be careful with Bitcoin the same way […]
Top 10 Ways to Make Money Online in 2021

Let’s not beat around the bush, there are certain ways you can make money online. Some faster than most while some take time. Although let me be clear, none of these come with a guaranteed paycheck as from 9 to 5 jobs. But with the right strategy, you may not need to work endless hours. […]
Self-employed or Limited company?

There are many formal ways to create a new business in the United Kingdom, such as partnerships, sole traders or limited companies. However, the vast majority of small business owners operate as self-employed, also called sole traders, or via their own limited company. There are many differences between the two most popular types of business structure, […]
Self-employed or Limited company?

There are many formal ways to create a new business in the United Kingdom, such as partnerships, sole traders or limited companies. However, the vast majority of small business owners operate as self-employed, also called sole traders, or via their own limited company. There are many differences between the two most popular types of business structure, […]